Working by the Light of the Street Lamp
The light pollution on the soil farm isn’t that bad. In fact, last night I saw the most incredible meteor—it was sea green with an orange tail. I’ve never seen anything like it, as it made its ephemeral appearance over the homes of Windermere Place.
Less awe-inspiring is having to catch up on farm maintenance that has been delayed by both a general life avalanche and the weather. So with another several days worth of rain on the docket, we worked past 10 baptising compostables and piling them high into “bioreactors”, and carefully prepping the ground and then filling it with alfalfa seed.
As our labor extended past sunset, general visibility was still made available by street lights on the back of houses from the aforementioned private street. Originally installed for security concerns, they now allow us to forego flashlights for, at the least, basic work, which for us is mostly moving material around. One particular light I may intentionally build directly under next time, it floods a nice chunk.
Our night sight could only be made better with a full moon.