We’re all lucid dreaming
The instant I learned about “lucid dreaming” as a kid, I was fascinated and wanted to be able to do it. Basically, while sleeping you become aware as you’re dreaming, which gives you the ability to alter your dream to the extent of your imagination. This was my ticket to possessing superhuman powers like flying and living out any fantasy! Alas, I never pulled it off…
At least while sleeping.
All healthy, conscious people are aware when they are awake. And we do in fact have an effect on the world around us. And, it’s better than a lucid dream. A game where you control all the factors and outcomes is not fun. In real life, you have the ability to willingly impact your environment, and the world and its people around you have their own affects. You can make decisions and choose actions, then be surprised, learn and adjust, even have your mind changed.
Lucid dreaming is boring. I want to get good at lucid waking.