Walk Signals
St. Louis isn’t known for being the most pedestrian-friendly city. Four interstate highways cut across our city and converge in the heart of downtown. Four more inner-belts span north and south through the counties. At one time, there were plans for more…
I’ve prioritized walk- and bike-ability, and accessibility to light rail. For me, this meant always living, working, and doing business in the central corridor. In turn, St. Louis has been very good to me in all three aforementioned categories.
Walking down Euclid the other day, I observed something worth taking note of, that I hadn’t noticed before.
The walk signal changed from the orange “stop” hand to the white walking figure several seconds before automobiles heading the same direction received a green light.
Big thanks to whomever thought of the people waiting on the sidewalk, likely in cold, wetness, or sticky heat— we get the worst of all weather in St. Louis. They are granted a little head start before the train of cars rage on.