Seasons Build Character
I was stuck in the Bay Area for half a year. It started as an attempt to do a sustainable farming internship, and went a bit sideways. This was my second “intern” attempt, and second strike. Zero for two.
It’s beautiful country, and I’m glad to have experienced it. Petaluma will always have a special place in my heart.
There was something different about the people compared to Midwesterners I know. I made several good friends in Sonoma County, and met some remarkable people. In general, no offense to West Coasters, most of the Californians I met seemed a bit soft, pretty flaky. In fact, come to think of it, my two best friends while out there were originally from Germany and Missouri. To be fair, I was only exposed to a small sample of the population, and my status at the time did not exactly place me among the elite. I truly believe there is something to the change in seasons, and what they do for the human spirit. Winters cold enough to stave off bacteria, summers with heat that will take an inch or two off your waistline.
This past fall, I was so happy to not need to cut grass (sheep should be grazing there, any way…) I am now eagerly awaiting luscious green pastures and solid ground (it has been the wettest winter…) Soon I will don shorts and reveal my pale white legs that have been hidden for months. At just the right time, I’ll be looking forward to base layers and boots again.
Give me four seasons in all their glory. May the alternating hot and cold temper me.