Ode to the Hardware Store
There is no store closer to my heart than the one full of hardware.
Food means a lot to me, and I love grocery stores. But, you can only buy eggs at the market. With tools and materials, you can build a chicken coop and fencing, and at rural hardware stores you can even get your chicks at the right time of the year.
It’s at the hardware store that I spend the most time.
I always have some sort of project that I’m coming in to prepare for. Though I will undoubtedly still find myself to some degree strolling down the aisles, daydreaming about things I didn’t know I needed to build, with gadgets and good I didn’t know existed.
If you’re not sure how to accomplish what you’re working on, you can find someone working there that loves talking about just that. You probably don’t want any standard shelf-stocker. Look for someone who’s dedicated to the area — whether it’s electric, plumbing, lighting, or fasteners — and tell them what you’re up to, you’re likely to learn something.
What you gain from your visits are not temporary shopping thrills. You have capital that you can generate income and value with, and your own skills and knowledge grows, increasing your own value. If you’re feeling worthless, just go hang out at the hardware store, and make something.