Nature is the greatest entrepreneur
“The entrepreneur shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield.”
— Jean-Baptiste Say, coined the word “entrepreneur” around 1800
Walking around our small urban farm is a wonderful daily mediation. We’ve worked with nature over the past nearly 2 years to find balance and build soil, learning from our flock of chickens and the land.
One observation most impressive to me is how nature simply does not waste. We do our best to emulate this by utilizing outputs from processes as inputs for others — deep bedding from below the coop adds fertility to our composting, cleared brush is chipped for carbon and building paths, leaves mulched for bed cover. In fact, the viability of our operation itself relies on interconnected, stacked enterprises.
Nature is constantly up-cycling in the biologic economy, which according to Jean-Baptiste Say’s definition, would certainly earn her the title of most prolific and successful entrepreneur ever.