Calling out procrastination when I see it.
My ability to battle with Resistance and come out on top is exponentially better than it was even 5 years ago. Technically, mathematically speaking, it’s not even a multiple — I’ve gone from unaware with no defense to being able to scrimmage and hold my own.
The first step, as usual, is being honest. Don’t give yourself a pass. If you’re slinking away from doing the work you need to do, strap yourself in and double down.
Right here, right now, I’m calling out an insidious, sneaky little way I’ve been giving the enemy a foothold. Scanning Twitter, opening a new tab to play Dominion, catching up with YouTube’s… these are obvious violations and my distraction deferment score has been pretty good in the category, particularly since making a commitment to carve out time for the rest.
What has been whittling away at my writing time is a funny lie whispering in my ear, “Make it a quick one today, you’ve got a lot to do.”
I have a cache of ideas to choose from, lined up in my drafts. Titles for some, others not even an official title just words to remind me of a thought, some I’ve begun or completed outlines, and a few with significant.
But, instead of getting to work, getting behind the keyboard for a dedicated block of time, putting words on the screen even if I don’t feel like it, I begin to think about what could be a compelling 5-liner. Like one of Seth Godin’s short ones, except not nearly as magical because he’s the master.
While switching from writing mode to brainstorm mode, I now have license to begin browsing the internet. You can’t force genius, right? It comes to you when you’re engaged in flow. Tweetdeck pops up, followed by YouTube and Dominion…
I’ll knock something out that is less compelling than it could have been. The irony is this process to make a quick one and get on with “important stuff” ends up taking more time, while degrading my overall threshold to get work done, than if I just got off my ass, closed every other website, and forced my hands to stay on the keyboard for a meaningful block of time, totally uninspired.
This stream of consciousness may or may not have been born out of the very process I’m making an indictment of, but you gotta start somewhere…